Our high school Advanced Biology / Anatomy & Physiology class completed our first dissection in last Tuesday's co-op class. Since the younger kids (who are also doing their own elementary level anatomy class) seemed intrigued, they also sat in on the dissection. We were able to identify all of the major structures and learn their functions. I have always had a passion for biology and have loved performing dissections ever since my freshman biology class. It truly brings science to life!
Brains are cool! |
Squishy, but stinky! (Yes, that is Nick inflating a rubber glove in the background!) |
The older students took more of a "hands off" approach! |
Left & Right Hemispheres intact |
Notice the Dura Mater in the foreground. This was removed prior to separating the halves along the longitudinal fissure. |
Cross section showing the difference between the nucleated grey matter and the myelinated axons of the white matter.
Labels: co-op, dissection |