LIFE, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

We're a Christian homeschooling family of four. We are eclectic, gravitating toward the Classical side.

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Son, Brother, 8 year old ...

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Day 239 - The Apprentice
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

After giving Rachael a choice between several books, she chose to begin this one. It looks pretty interesting. It won the 1994 Batchelder Award and I believe it might actually be a Sonlight book. It's a Spanish authored historical fiction novel about a young tailor's son who becomes an artist's apprentice. According to what I've read, it appears to give a good account of what an apprenticeship of that era would entail, then quickly escalates into a mystery. Rachael flew through the first couple of chapters today and said that it's a very easy read.

I also went through her science notes that she's taken thus far and tried to work with her on pulling out the important information. Taking notes is one area that I think homeschoolers really need to be taught. I think it's something that comes more naturally to kids who have to silently listen to lectures, but not so much to kids who come from a one-on-one/give-and-take kind of environment.

In math, VideoText Algebra is going pretty well. Today she was turning story problems into algabraic equations and learning the "grammar" of math.

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posted by Amy @ 10:35 PM  
  • At 6:03 PM, Blogger Laura said…

    You are right... note-taking is a skill that I need to be sure my kids have. Thanks for the reminder!

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Name: Amy
Home: Indiana, United States
About Me: I am a Homeschool Mom of 2 awesome children. This is my attempt at Project 365 - to chronicle our world through daily photos...
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