We traveled up to Bloomington for the start of VBS today. I was asked to help with the church's website again this year, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take the kids. VBS at ECC is HUGE!!!! They don't do a "boxed kit." Every year, it takes over a hundred volunteers MANY months of planning and hard work to pull off the biggest outreach of the community. This year, the theme was "God's Space" complete with characters "Norton", "Adell", & the villain - "Spam!" Since we now live over 2 hours away and VBS starts at 9:00am, our homeschool friend, Darla, let us "camp" in her driveway! Their camper was air conditioned and very comfortable. It was so plush that even my anti-bug, anti-dirt, anti-camping husband was happy! Labels: co-op, Darla, VBS |